On his USA Network series Chrisley Knows Best, Todd documented his life as a dedicated father who was focused on raising a family with perfect manners and strong morals alongside with his wife of 26 years, Julie Chrisley, 49, and their five children Lindsie, 32 Kyle, 30 Chase, 25 Savannah, 24 and Grayson, 16.īut now, as Todd and his wife stand trial for bank fraud and evading taxes of up to $2 million, the wholesome family image that they have spent so long projecting to the world has quickly been torn apart. But last week that picture-perfect persona was shattered amid claims that the 53-year-old had a gay affair with a former male business partner - who also alleged that he helped him to commit fraud. Reality TV star Todd Chrisley has built his on-screen career on maintaining an image of a devout Christian, devoted father, and loving husband to his wife and the mother of his five children.