David mc nyc gay pride parade

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The club started sponsoring bar activities and special events. The major runs of this year were the White Mountains with Bob Walsh and the Race Point (Provincetown) Run in September. The first ride of the season was led by Scott Coviello through Jamaica Plain, Milton, and out to route 128. This original group, elected to continue this cause with the original name Riders M.C. These lists were updated constantly as the membership grew and was the means for all members (new and current) to meet and establish friendships. Address and telephone lists were available at every meeting. The few rules adopted stated, members must own and operate motorcycles, be gay and not drive drunk. The association resolved there would be no dues and no officers. Road rules were discussed and group riding was studied. Initial meetings were called in early spring. Interested cyclists were attracted by flyers in the Ramrod. The effort began pre-season and was spearheaded by Jeff Zirpolo, Scott Coviello, Greg Luther, Michael Desplaines and Joe Bradbury.

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A group of like-minded interested cyclists resolved to start anew a gay men's motorcycle club.

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